Donald Trump will not be allowed to address Parliament on UK state visit, Speaker says

But standing next to Mr Trump at a historic press conference last week the Prime Minister said: “On defence and security cooperation, we’re united in our recognition of Nato as the bulwark of our collective defence and we reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to this alliance. We’re 100% behind Nato"

“She will advocate a comprehensive and collaborative approach that includes supporting refugees close to their homes; deterring economic migrants from moving; tirelessly pursuing smugglers; and returning those who arrive on our shores with no right to remain,”

I don't think what you said is correct. Why would she worry about a 90 day "ban"? Why would her people care about this when they voted for Brexit? Also, UK has been largely unaffected by the refugee crisis hitting Sweden and Germany for instance. And really? Trump was totally sane before, but while May was flying back to UK he suddenly went crazy with a 90 day travel restriction, that many presidents, including Obama, have enacted? I think she doesn't give a flip about how the US wants to handle refugees, at this point anyway.

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