I searched for ARCA's latest "AMi Rocket" on youtube and this is the first result that pops up. Never has there been a more accurate search result for ARCA.

It gets better: ARCA even left a footnote in their recent white paper stating that:

Scott Manley, a famous YouTube personality, tarnished the idea of the ecological rocket in a dedicated video that gathered half a million views. This affected us quite heavily, but this wasn’t the worst thing. Various venture capital investors who saw the video mentioned that they can’t invest in ARCA because the idea was trashed in the media, citing Scott Manley’s video.

And I should mention that this isn't even the first time that ARCA has complained about critics. They even went as far as to write an open letter to the Romanian Prime Minster in 2012 after the Romanian Space Agency lambasted them in public statements.

But what takes the cake is the time that ARCA pulled a Jeff Who by pressing anticorruption charges against ROSA in 2013 (after losing out on government funding from the Research, Development and Innovation Program).

"Out of 120 projects, they were ranked 110-115 and from there the whole circus came out. Always the one who loses has problems. But here we are talking about the entire research system in Romania, there is no special rule, the evaluations they were made with foreign experts and in this system there are many entities involved (...) they (ARCA, no), in fact, don't even really exist. They are an NGO that, in fact, lives from advertising."

-- Marius - Ioan Piso (President of the Romanian Space Agency).

/r/SpaceXMasterrace Thread Parent Link - youtu.be