Seems like penis size varies wildly from person to person, I’m feeling insecure that my sick will be smaller than the last guy this girl I’m seeing slept with

I have a 7 inch dick, I Hage never felt uncomfortable with my dick or insecure. But I'm also old enough to understand that it doesn't truly matter. I've been with many different women, I don't hang on to the one who was the "tightest" or had the nicest boobs, I think of how they made me feel and how much I enjoyed their company. Confidence is far more sexy to women than what's in your pants.

I even remember the tightest vagina I've ever felt, it was a girl I went on a couple dates with. Ask me if she was the best sex I've ever had, I'd be 100% confident in answering no.

Sex with my wife is the best sex I've ever had, because we're in love and she's my best friend. The sex is amazing because I'm incredibly attracted to her and the way we feel together.

Find your confidence in other ways, because I can promise you that you're thinking about this waaaay more than she is.

/r/AJelqForYou Thread