Child on child sexual abuse

To be honest, I stumbled upon this post after creeping through your history after seeing you post in the r/exmormon sub.

Eh. Laying in bed bored. lol. Sorry about that!!

I’ll say—I understand that a lot of people on that sub are legitimate suffering from trauma caused by the church. That manifests in a lot of different ways, but a common way that it does manifest is through anger. It’s not hard to understand why a lot of exmo’s react angrily to missionaries showing up at their door.

Is that the best, healthiest response? Probably not. But people must be allowed a safe space in which to explore their emotional healing. That subreddit is that space (and for many, the ONLY space) where they can find comfort and solitude in knowing they’re valid and understood.

If we care about our their healing (which I hope we all do), then we must foster that safe space for them and work hard to not shut them down nor invalidate their feelings and experiences.

/r/sexualassault Thread Parent