[Serious]Police Officers of Reddit, have you ever witnessed or had to take part in an arrest that you knew was wrong? If so, what happened?

The 'mind' is not an objectively measurable entity. To claim to be able to speak to the 'health' or otherwise, of 'it', is to engage in projecting your religious belief in 'mental illness' onto people you find odd, bizarre, strange, and at the end of the day, you're capable of sleeping at night after initiating force against peaceful, law-abiding strangers, and delivering them into the arms of pure torture in psych wards, when all they did was think thoughts you don't like, and say things you don't understand. The quickness with which you resort to using 'mental health' as a slur and put-down towards me, shows your true inhumanity towards those you are out on the street strong-arming every day, not because they've harmed anybody or damaged anybody's property, but because they've had troubled and traumatic lives and now they are nuisance to you, and you don't understand them, so you treat them like criminals. I don't think you're capable of realizing the moral and ethical, and human rights lines, that you've crossed, by your participation in rounding up and arresting people for daring to think strange thoughts, and daring to believe strange things. I am certain, that the 'hahahaha' laughs you had at me, you've had also at the expense of those whose human dignity you assault every day on the job, when you drag people away to be locked up and tortured not for what they've done, but for who they are. Out of all the groups Hitler tried to wipe out, Jews, the Roma people, Homosexuals, the disabled, only one group, those called 'mentally ill', still have to live in fear of goons with guns and tasers like you, rounding them up not because they've broken any law, but because others think they don't deserve the same rights other citizens have. Continue laughing, officer. I'm not laughing. In fact, there is nothing funny about the moral repugnance of what you do, which is not 'dealing with people' on an equal basis under the law, but rather official discrimination against a class of citizens based not on any law they've broken, but who they are said to be/considered to be, and you've made clear by your mockery, you consider this group of people less than human. I pity you and your victims, officer.

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