Serious Question: If 100% of $GME Float Becomes DRS’d … What On Earth Happens Next?

Oh yeah. One of the two MUST occur. No one will be able to pretend it didn't happen. Right now they can still pretend that all these shorts are backed or located, that the FTDs are BAU and everything is above ground. The day one pops up above volume then all the shells get lifted at the same time and there's no ball. All the Monte cards get flipped simultaneously and there's no red queen. Everyone will be able to see clear as day and unable to deny that fuckery is afoot.

The part we cannot control is the very next choice they make at the regulating and oversight level. Do they confess there's definitely fuckery afoot and force people to come to call about it? Or do they stay quiet and let the crime burn on? By doing nothing or trying to ignore it, they pick the second option.

Thus there's no chance to ignore the conflict. Either you do something about it or you don't, and the reason to NOT do anything about it will be utterly irrelevant to the public at large. Additionally, you will have to pray that no other market leaders of the global stage decide to go against you. You would need EVERYONE participating in staying quiet and hoping people leave. I don't see that happening at all with all the WTF that flew up in the splividend.

The goal here is to hit the point that gov agencies agree that letting these fuckers burn is the long game play, that it's worth the damage it'll cause. What will be rebuilt afterwards is a more trustworthy and transparent market. They have to decide that the future integrity of the market is more important than the stale "too big to fail" policies that have never, ever worked.

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