[Serious] What is your secret?

Well, guess I'm going here.

I have a really awesome life; I'm very happy. The last 4 years of my life have been the best I've had. This is important cause the rest of this sounds pathetic.

I used to weigh about 300 pounds, and I dropped 80 of it. I'm regaining the weight back [fighting around the 250 weight; actually down 5 pounds over the last month] because I binge eat, and I struggle stopping it. To compensate for this I exercise relentlessly. I get home from clinic,[I'm a medical provider, so to make this worse I know my options and exactly what to do], hop on my bike, and I will bike until sunset - 1.5-2.5 hours between gravel and single track MTB, and then I will come home, often swim to keep away from food, and then devour everything in sight and soon as I step in my home. I'm that dedicated to not regaining the weight, but I can't break the food part.

I think I'm doing this because my friend group has all moved to different locations, or semi-evaporated, and I've never been in a relationship [I tend to go on dates not realizing I'm on dates; can't even make that up], so I have no significant other to keep me in check. I think my eating is literally a friend replacement.

But my life is pretty damned awesome besides that.

/r/AskReddit Thread