Shah Ismail I Appreciation Thread

But will hit back at some of the bullshit you spewed and your comment, which you think were non-biased.

Congrats In the end you didn't even achieve this, you managed to throw around a bunch of insults and brought up unrelated shit. Alt

Imagine India had converted 'peacefully' to Islam. Would it still celebrate Diwali or Holi? FUCK NO.

Yes it would fuckwit, Iran still celebrates nowruz and char shambe souri. When exactly did you have stroke or something that it doesn't Click that Iranian Muslims still celebrate pre-Islamic cultural events so Indian Muslims would do the same. As it is Indian Muslims still celebrate Diwali.

One can be an atheist AND be a Hindu. Try to think about this before speaking on this matter.

Stop with the double think dipshit, if you could be atheist and culturally Hindu, then you could be Muslim and culturally Hindu even easier.

I don't see how that came, which is obviously bullshlakha

Hah, someone who used to be on relatively good terms on me was triggered and blew his colctive shit over some speculation I did. As if to speculate that India would have become a majority Muslim country is akin to insulting your country. Some Sunni guy is coming in here and telling me Shiism needs to be wiped out from Iran; I calmly addressed his points and said: no you on the other hand compleatly lost your shit in a fit of rage. Congrats. You contradicted your point, you made a false statement, and you threw in a bunch of insults for good measure. Congrats, real proud of you . . .

What do you take me for?

A rabid triggered Hindu/atheist hyper nationalist dumbshit that went crazy and started insulting a guy who was on good terms with him because said guy made a speculation.

I used to like you man . . .

/r/iran Thread Parent