A question for Iranian-Americans regarding US election.

Not an Iranian American, rather an Iranian Norwegian but if I had the chance to vote... Here is my thoughts on the whole thing after speaking to a couple American friend on this subject. There are no great candidates this time and all of their debates are a joke as sometimes you wonder, do they even know the stuff they are trying to talk about and explain? Voting for all of those people wether the Republicans and or Democrats is like voting for "Bad" vs "worst", didn't think ill see shit like this from US.

On top of that since the presidents will not actually be able to do all of the stuff they say they will do, just because US system works differently and you got the states. In the end nothing major would be changed inside of US itself and people's lives would stay the same. However their decisions will effect other countries not the US itself.

Think about it this way: United States of America, each state has it's own laws and regulations with their own government and even their own flag. When the president of US wants to do something it still also goes through states and etc. It's harder for the US president to do things inside of the country than international stuff. Now take all of this, replace the words "States" to "Countries",see what I mean? And again as you mentioned it's heavily influenced by the billionaires, But then again this system works for them, 400+ Million people and a big country. But they really need to concentrate on US itself more

That being said I see why Donald Trump got his following, despite all the crap he says. Again it's the matter of Bad vs Worst. probably one of the things that can effect US is how he wants a different Tax system, and his system is a little similar to Europian countries and or even Norway (it's really not but the concept is similar on the percentage and I'm using them as an example), there may very well not be a top 1% that owns the rest of the people anymore then cause the more they make the more taxes they got to pay. He might be one of the only ones there that knows how to run a company but then again running a company and a country is different specially if it's US. And again, people usually follow where the money is/goes now. And now you had the thing about Kanye West running for president on 2020, it's like....just...what.... Next thing you gonna see is like lady gags running for president I mean what the heck.

But they, some are voting for Bernie Sanders, some for Jeb Bush and some sadly for Donald Trump.

TL;DR: This time there are no really good candidates, debates are a joke, U.S. Is weird and ran by billionaires. Looks like it will come down between Bernie sanders vs Jeb bush vs Donald Trump

/r/iran Thread