Share your favourite subreddits - so far! - with your fellow snoobies and earn yourself some gold!

/r/AsktheOuija - Whats the difference between this Ouija and the other Ouija? Multi-lingual goodbyes for one. Moderated for another. ​

/r/BritPosting - A 'magazine' style subreddit with news and stories from the UK. ​

/r/FirehousePets - Post pictures of firehouse pets. Preferably OC. Take your pet to a firehouse for a visit and post some pictures. ​

/r/CatCircles - For cats inside of circles. Not shaped like a circle. ​

/r/FreePlatinum - Maybe? Yes for good OC. ​

r/marijuanaenthusiasts: The actual subreddit for trees/arborists

r/bonsai: For smol tree pictures.

r/TreesSuckingOnThings: For all your Trees-sucking-on-things needs. Essentially trees growing around things.

r/TreesSuckingAtThings: Trees doing things poorly. Sometimes trees should just be trees.

r/treeseatingthings: Trees that have gone beyond growing around things.

r/breadstapledtotrees: Pictures of bread that have been stapled to trees.

/r/sfwtrees:This subreddit is for tree- and forestry-related posts. Here are the types of submissions that belong here:

  • Trivia on your favorite species
  • Photo of a particularly good-looking pine
  • News story on a parasite outbreak
  • Video of your mad tree-climbing skills
  • Question for an arborist
  • Praise for a rainforest conservation group

/r/treeporn: Trees in NSFW settings.

r/lostredditors: This subreddit is for posting screenshots of people forgetting what sub they're on or people misinterpreting the purpose of the sub they're on

/r/Snoobie_101 Thread