Should Feminists be more outraged by a violent rape than by sexism in games?

This is so stupid that I don't know where to begin. Gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian are not "feminism". I'm also pretty sure, don't quote me on this because I could be wrong, but I'm almost positive that no feminists working at RAINN suddenly saw Damsels in Distress and thought to themselves "You know, I've dedicated my life to helping rape victims and doing what I can to prevent it but I realize now that the really important issue is video game sexism so I'm tossing in the towel on rape and joining the Gamergate crusade."

Look, bad shit happens to a lot of people. There are people looking into how to stop said bad shit. Less bad shit happens to other people, and there's people addressing that too. There's also a lot of minor problems that happen. Believe it or not there's some people dealing with those. The kind of argument that Carrera is making is basically that there are no other problems worth addressing other than the most egregious, most horrible crimes. It's mind-numbingly dumb to think this way for anything in society, or for large scale movements like feminism. Feminism is not a single issue movement, and having a handful of feminists talking about video games makes up maybe 0.001% of feminism. The reason that Gamergate is a thing and video game sexism is being talked about right now is because

a) It was the first time it was done
b) It created a shitstorm that was at least partially caused by gamers themselves screaming to high heaven about how horrible it all was.

And just to clarify on the second point, Sarkeesian is famous now because offended and angry gamers went bat-shit crazy defending their games in the most disproportional response I've seen in a long time. She had a small Youtube channel and her videos probably would have come and gone and not had any effect on games themselves, but instead of just letting it be and fade into the recedes of internet obscurity they got out the pitchforks and got all angry internet swarm on her ass. That's what got her famous, not her videos, but the responses to them. You ever see an interview on a major news network with Sarkeesian? What's the topic? Video games or the shit she got for making those videos?

And that's just it. Feminism writ large doesn't give a shit about video games. I doubt that Judith Butler is calling up Bell Hooks to talk about GTA5 and how horrible it is. Sarkeesian and handful of others do, and it's conflict so it's in the news. But being angry at a handful of people because they're dealing with sexism in video games and not with violent rape when is insulting to the massive amount of feminists who do, and who probably comprise a far larger percentage of feminism than those who focus on video game sexism.

So forgive me when I see a video like this and my eyes glaze over and a little spittle starts dribbling down my chin. It hurts my brain to watch it. Yes, Sarkeesian has made money. Wow, she's pissed that Sarkeesian made money off it while her friend was brutally raped and assaulted. As horrible as that crime is it's completely unrelated to Sarkeesian. The only link between the two is that Sarkeesian is a feminist and rape is a feminist issue. But I'm wondering when the edict came down saying that a movement can only focus on the largest problems. Feminism is probably the largest movement of them all and I have no problem with a handful of feminists out of literally millions dealing with something small as long as there are plenty others working on the big stuff.

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