It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here... "I'm not saying this intending to deride you in any way but to me you seem neither intelligent nor mature. Not to worry, though, because very few people are intelligent and even fewer are mature."

Aperitif: A finely sautéd "You know, when someone calls me brave I take that with a great sense of gratitude."

Main course: Darqwollf - a staple of every pasta meal.

Dessert: Originally planned to be the Navy Seal, this was instead a beautiful home-made pasta by the customer:>That was the only thing I got from you and it seems like a dickish reply to my previous comment and I gave you something appropriate in reply. We haven't had any more interaction so I don't know what you're on about. I am wondering whether you think you're talking to someone else or in a different thread altogether. It happens to me all the time. The stuff you are citing that you think proves intelligence is all immaterial. If you are naturally talented vis-a-vis the academic pursuits, good for you, I hope you can do something with that that you enjoy but none of that means anything to me at all. It certainly doesn't indicate intelligence. And you might consider that if you are excellent in some area due to an accident of biology, it's not really anything you should take credit for any more than a man with a giant penis should take credit for that. I'm not saying this intending to deride you in any way but to me you seem neither intelligent nor mature. Not to worry, though, because very few people are intelligent and even fewer are mature. You seem insecure. Again, not with the intention of deriding you, I assume you're younger than me and that you'll get over that soon enough. Anyway, all of those things like the IQ, the SAT, the knowing physics etc. amount to little more than a hill of beans in this world. I am in the 98th percentile apparently but I don't even know what a percentile is. Meanwhile, I feel very satisfied to poke fun at the stinking Tory scumbags at any opportunity and to see the drooling idiots in this sub jump do defend them. It's not much of a sport but it takes very little effort. I think anyone who uses "asshole" instead of "arsehole" in a UK subreddit can't be very intelligent, FWIW. I don't feel like I know you.

/r/AteThePasta Thread Link -