Her face is literally rotting off from untreated cancer but she’s using it as an opportunity to sell LimeLife. I’m mortified.

To be fair, basal cell carcinoma is very easy to ignore if it's not in a super obvious spot. I had it on my back/shoulder and just tried not to think about it even though I knew exactly what it was. It didn't hurt or affect my day to day life in any way, but it would occasionally bleed or get itchy. When it turned into a mole that grew rapidly and then fell off in one big chunk (sorry, gross, I know), I finally got it checked out and taken care of.

But honestly, I get why people ignore it. Nobody wants to admit that they have cancer, especially someone in their late 20s like I was at the time. The thought of "having cancer" is terrifying, and there's a real temptation to just try to bury your suspicions instead of accepting it. Luckily, skin cancer is almost always treatable with minimally invasive surgery if it's caught in time. So get yourself checked out! Especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

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