shouldnt bam be stronger physically?

It has been established since chapter 27 that the 10 Great Families (and other prominent families called special families) have special contracts with the Guardians. These contracts give certain special rules and characteristics to members of those families. The main example given is shinsoo manipulation - both Lee Ro and Sheep dude both mention that members of the great 10 families have special rules for shinsoo manipulation and may not need to make a contract. Another example in a season 2 blogpost SIU said that members of the Mule family can gain a special contract that regenerates their stamina.

SIU has also said that contracts are the most important distinction between rankers regulars, that this is the key difference in their power. Contracts are the foundation for everything in the tower. The great 10 warriors have many unique powers because of contracts they made going up the tower. Their families have special contracts. The whole system of regulars that let their families climb are based on contracts with the guardians. SIU has directly given the example of the Lo Po Bia family being good animas as related to a contract with the administrator

Baam is free from all contracts of the tower - which includes any possible contracts his parents made.

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