SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT (Literally, please)

Current team for this season:40+1 Effie,40 4★ Narcian,40 Hector,40 Roy. Currently 4578 at rank 825, was around 630 yesterday, dropped quite a bit, if I drop below 1k... I'm going to find my maximum amount of points and try to hit 4.6k, hoping I wont need to because I'll have to go thru bunch more swords. *Effie is godlike on my team, she kills and will delete any melee that dare comes her way, except Hector ofc. *Narcian is just there to be there for the bonus points but he can pack a punch as well, had him easily 2 shot a Azura in one battle other than that he just sits in the side and be Narcian *Hector is MVP as well, he takes out all the dam annoying Takumi's and Robins and mages alike, The only one he has trouble with is a Julia with some kind of + stat dont remember which but Julia wil sometimes delete Hector unexpectedly. *Roy is underappreciated, he shines when his moment comes, against Hectors and other greens alike such as Camilla. Also his Shove ability is really useful especially in a team like this that has 2 armored units. If you would like more info about how I do arenas or whatnot, feel free to ask otherwise I shall conclude it here, thanks for reading.

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