SIB Donkey Kong Country: TF or SMO for Switch Lite?

Just my 2 cents but...

To me, Odyssey felt like collecting Riddler's trophies in Batman Arkham. Some trophies will be Insanely fun and enjoyable to get. Some will make you wish you were playing a different game. Except that in Odyssey, most of the game is centered around the idea of collecting as many moons as you can (pretty much). Game ended up feeling like a chore to me.

While DKC is a much shorter game, i found it to be consistently fun. Lots of levels have their own gimmicks which bring their own challenges. (Ex; one level you're in a burning forest, next level there's a freaking tornado blasting everything) If you tend to go 100% completion in games. This might be one you'll have a lot of fun doing so.

At the end of the day, it depends on what you really want in a game

/r/ShouldIbuythisgame Thread