Silent Hill 2 Remake shows massive potential for video game storytelling in the modern day and I'm ready to talk about it.

I fully disagree with every thing you said , remakes should be made to properly translate old games for the modern audience like resident evil 1 remake or shadow of colossus on ps4 or demon souls. Unless they are specifically advertised as remainings remakes should let the new audience experience what it was like to play it back in the day but with modernised controls that capture the spirit of the original.

Also on your point of bloober wanting to make it more emotional yet keep it authentic I think it's more to do with their interpretation of silent hill 2. It seems like a first time take that most people have but the true subtly is that James has lost hope and putting on a facade for his own sense of self. Whereas remakes James what's usually used as a trope that guy is depressed blah blah and press F to sad. Not dissing on bloober but just saying they understand the story hence the ring finger but even ito said constructive criticism is good to have.

The problem is silent hill unlike resident evil is not action based, I applaud the shattered memories devs for understanding that and I do really hope bloober the best of luck. They were done dirty by Konami for remaking 2 first when 1 has such classic silent hill feels, not to mention not letting them or any dev to just port the freaking games from ps2.

/r/silenthill Thread