The Silicon Valley's Loneliness

I grew up near this area.

I would drink and smoke weed in memorial park, hang out at coffee society and smoke cigarettes for hours, etc. Most of my youth was spent at public parks at night drinking and doing drugs. Sometimes with "friends", sometimes alone. I didn't have many friends and really the only thing we had in common was centered around drugs/alcohol. I never went to school and wasn't rich enough to even fit in with anyone else in the area.

Now I work. I look back on those times fondly. I had "fun" and "adventures". I was just as miserable then as now but back then there was a mysterious "unknowing" about what my future held. I figured I'd kill myself or end up in jail, but wasn't sure.

Now I know exactly what my future holds. I took those times for granted.

(Millennial, not zoomer, so not sure if I qualify as a doomer, but I sure feel like one.)

/r/Doomers Thread