Sinking Deeper Into Your 30's As You Feel Your Youth Slip Away starterpack

Entering your 30's feels like the end. The end of youth. The end of freedom. But entering my 30's for me has been awesome. I spent most of my 20's working retail jobs, being obese, never dating, and looking like comic book guy from the Simpsons. I'm finally financially stable after taking up a trade. While a lot of people I know are stuck at home with kids, I'm still going to concerts, the movies, dive bars, traveling, and working out. I also lost a massive amount of weight. I feel like I have a lot more energy now than I ever did in my 20's. The only downside is that if you thought making friends in your 20's was hard, making friends in your 30's is even harder. On the plus side, dating has become a lot easier. People don't play games and let you know upfront what they want.

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