Jugg agha

Aghanim's should benefit the hero by either providing an alternate play-style(like on support Weaver) or by enhancing weak utility abilities to make them better in team fights or by taking objectives (like on Windranger). Jugg is a pretty straight forward carry, with one of the best BAT and a wave clear item like BFury or Maelstrom(or its upgrade)so he can rat pretty well. His ulti does amazing physical damage on an isolated target so he can find pick offs pretty easily. He has an AOE heal with his Healing Ward and Bladefury makes him magic immune while also dealing decent AOE damage(even better with his 25 talent). The only problem with Jugg that I see is that his physical damage will fall short in the late game against tanky heroes like centaur or tidehunter when they have their items. People usually buy aghs to increase the Omnislash damage by increasing the number of slashes but it often underwhelming in the late game, its only really picked up if your friendly Alch gives you one. Taking all these thing into account, I think the best way is to remove the damage limiter of Omnislash( dealing between 200-225 damage per slash ) and set to something like Sniper's Aghs which sets the damage of each slash to the Jugg's current base dmg plus an damage modifier like CRIT or armor reduction. This way it will be bad to pick Aghs early because the base damage will be really low and in late game we could see something fun and risky like selling all the late game items to get 2 rapiers. With this Aghs maybe we could see something like Deso + solar crest + AC + Aghs build for solo target pick offs. Who knows...

/r/DotA2 Thread