Social Upheaval Megathread: October 2020 (Part I)

Pope Francis is faithful to the tradition of the Church. Check out the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church and you'll find that he's in line with all that the Popes have said in the past.

For example here's St John Paul II:

[The Church's teaching on property] differs from the programme of capitalism practised by liberalism and by the political systems inspired by it. In the latter case, the difference consists in the way the right to ownership or property is understood. Christian tradition has never upheld this right as absolute and untouchable. On the contrary, it has always understood this right within the broader context of the right common to all to use the goods of the whole of creation: the right to private property is subordinated to the right to common use, to the fact that goods are meant for everyone.

That's from his 1981 encyclical Laborem Exercens. You'll also find that markets, profit, and labor are not treated the same way by the church as the world.

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