Solana hit 100B transactions!

Its not 90%. And very bad source. Really??? While high its averaged to around 75%.

using real tps and explorer data

and even more extensive articles you will find its 75%. A magnitude better then 90% being non votes. Furthermore I leave this to the man himself. You wanna question his logic, go ahead:

“No other blockchain is designed this way. It's not that solana counts votes as transactions, its that votes ARE transactions. Each vote is signed and pays a fee and executes in a smart contract/program, competes for block space, etc.. just like all the other smart contracts.

The benefits are that votes executed across the same horizontal scalable runtime, and validators don't need a minimum stake. Every time hardware improves with Moore's law there is more capacity for applications and for consensus, because its the same thing. More cores => more capacity => more validators vote => more censorship resistance.

serum, a single app on solana, does about 20m TXs per day, which is bigger then all the other chains combined, just on its own. But that is because it's a central limit order book, and market makers generate a ton of messages per trade. TPS load is not a measure of usage or adoption, it's a measure of load, and an indicator of cost. TXs are cheap, so devs build usecases that use them” -Anatoly Yakovenko

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