Neco Arc Wednes-nya-day ShittyGaming Lounge


If people want to be vibrant, explosive, and expressive with bright popping colors, that's fine, but I refuse to be gaslit into thinking anything less is boring, bland, or in your case, muddy.

When I first moved out of my parents house, I centered most of my trailer around brown and wood grain looks, one dark red wall in the kitchen and some blue-ish gray here and there. (I know it sounds like ass color combo, you just had to see it)

Commissioned a local artist for some farm scene paintings, bought some rustic 19th century knick knacks from the thrift store, a couple plants, and some candles, and (without tooting my own horn too much) I had one of the coziest places I've ever been in. It somehow felt like living in a hobbits house without looking like one at all.

Point being: muddy can be a vibe too, and if you like it, run that shit.

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