Some of Japanese propaganda fliers picture, when they colonize Indonesia

the translation

Will be a very long post indeed, stay with me :)

  1. Sedari menanam hingga memetik, peliharalah djarakmoe sebaik2nja agar hasil menjadi sebesar2nja. From sowing time until harvesting time, make sure that you take care of your jarak plant so that the yield will be optimized

  2. Fukushima&co poster on selling their Flower brand beer

  3. Nippon Mengoeasai Laoetan. Japan rules the sea

  4. Bikin kapal alat pembela raja Asia raja. Masuklah sekoelah pertoekangan pelajaran. Making ships for fight King of Asia. Enroll to schools of maritime

  5. Kerahkan teroes! Segenap tenaga di segala lapangan. Keep fighting! With all of your power, everywhere.

  6. Gerakan minggoean, 1-7 boelan tiga. Awas mata-mata moesoeh. Kewadjiban pendoedoek jalah memegang tegoeh 5 fasal nasihat oentoek menoetoep telinga mata-mata moesoeh. Weekly movement(fliers) 1-7 boelan tiga(17 March). Be wary of enemy spies. Your obligation is to stick on 5 principles to blind the spies

  7. In the ejaan yang disempurnakan it says: "Cahaya dari Nippon di Melayu, Semenanjung Melayu terlepas dari genggaman Inggris." In English "The light from Japan on Malaya, cape of Malaya is freed from Englishmen." Background story

  8. Tjahaja Asia Nippon, pelindoeng Asia Nippon, pemimpin Asia Nippon. Here in Indonesia we call it 'gerakan 3A', the 3As propaganda. Japan coming here saying that they are Tjahaja(light), pelindoeng(guardian), and pemimpin(leader)

  9. Maopoen kanak marilah berbitjara dalam bahasa Nippon. Bahasa Nippon bahasa Asia Timoer Raja! All including children should talk in Japanese. Japanese is language of the king, King of the East Asia!

  10. Perajaan pembangoenan Asia raya- Koda sai. Hari ke 8 boelan 12 jang tak dapat diloepakan.*Continued

  11. pretty much the same like #8

*continued from #10

  • Menjederhanakan penghidoepan dan memadjoekan kesehatan. Make the life simpler and improve health

  • Menghemat bahan-bahan, mengatoer bathin terhadap pembagian dan pemakaian bahan. Save rations, manage the allocation and usage of rations

  • Tjinta terhadap tanah air. memelihara djalan2 boeat laloe lintas dan djalan perairan. Love your nation. Take care of roads and waterways.

  • mengawasi kedjahatan, keboeroekan dan bahaja oedara. Keep your eyes on the danger from the air(planes most likely)

  • Bekerdja gembira, menambah penghasilan oesaha keradjinan, simpan oeang. Work happily, making extra income with crafting, save more.

  • Menjiarkan Nippon-Go. Broadcast Nippon-go(maybe some of their radio station)

Priangan, Syutyo(written in Priangan aera, by Syutyo)

taken from here

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