Some questions for fascists from a non fascist

1.I am an American fascist my ideal society is an English speaking united north america (excluding mexico because they have different culture so it would not work). I don’t know exactly what this is called but I guess Manifest Destiny?

2.I don’t agree with homosexuality and transgenders have gender dysmorphia and are ill it is not normal to want to change your gender I think homosexuality is bad because homosexual people can not reproduce and the children don’t have a motherly and fatherly figure when they adopt which is important for a families health. I accept bisexuals if the choose to only be in relations with the opposite sex of theirs. I dont like jews because they are usually capitalist business owners or liberal and there culture is opposed to the uniculturism of fascism. For black people I don’t want them in the United States so they don’t replace whites but I don’t hate them.

  1. I don’t like Hitler because he committed mass genocides and was obsessed with purity and his policies said that anyone with one drop of slavic/jewish/or black blood was bad but Mussolini didn’t commit any massive genocides and his version of fascism wasn’t ridiculous and I agree with most of his actions. But I do hate how fascist Italy was incompetent militarily. It’s not that fascism failed because it as bad but rather because a war started and the axis couldn’t defeat the allies.

  2. I think the holocaust happened and it was horrible Germany could have assimilated the jews or deported them but Hitler killed them.

/r/fascism_forever Thread