Do we have some sort of dysautonomia?

Postural hypotension: lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting, dimness of vision, unsteady gait, weakness (POTS syndrome)Paresthesias: numbness or tingling in feet, legs, hands, arms or other body partsUrinary dysfunction: excessive, incontinence, retention, hesitancyFrequent Gastrointestinal dysfunction: intermittent diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, full-ness after eating very little, loss of appetite, slowing of gastric content, bloating, heartburnexcessive or decreased sweatingSexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, decreased libidoExercise intoleranceBradycardia (Abnormally Low Heart Rate) or Tachycardia (Abnormally High Heart Rate)Extremely Low Blood PressureFrequent Swings in Heart Rate or Blood PressureFrequent Bouts of DehydrationChronic FatigueHeart PalpitationsDizziness or VertigoSyncope (losing conciousness) or Near SyncopeDifficulty SwallowingChest PainShortness of BreathFrequent Migraines or HeadachesHypersensitivity to Light, Sound, Touch, or SmellDifficulty Regulating Temperature


/r/visualsnow Thread