What colours is your snow/static?

I have a really hard time saying which colours mine are. It seems predominantly red and blue, but sometimes it feels like that's due to after images and light fading out of my vision. But there's green sometimes, but trying to focus on a spot of colour to get a good reading is frustrating haha. The actual snow seems to be RGB, heavily weighted toward red and blue. And I also get blobs of colours that are much larger than the fuzzy microscopic dots. The blobs typically are CMY, heavily weighted toward cyan and magenta, I assume a combination of the RGB dots with after images but like I said it's frustrating trying to focus on them.

The things I hate most about it are describing it because I can't pinpoint anything. I can't describe it very well. I also hate when I step into a room of darkness after being in a bright room, I can't see shit except globs of colours and intense tiny dots popping in and out of existence like quantum particles. Watching coloured static for 5 minutes or so gives me about 30 seconds to a minute of the snow being still and grayscale.

/r/visualsnow Thread