Why did we get forced to get a vaccine that made me lose my vision and get migraines more often then not?? Ha

I don't judge anyone for their decisions. I just try to make mine based on as much educational/ common sense I can at the time. And I for one WOULD NEVER get a vaccine that was rushed to be made and only tested on a few mice for an extremely short time, at best and then so vastly accepted and forced on the public, when I know that for all medications it takes Years and years of clinical trials and studies to know how it will effect people long term, and even then the outcome is vastly different for every one individual. BOTTOM LINE, NOONE KNOWS WHAT THIS VACCINE COULD/WILL/POSSIBILY CAUSE BECAUSE IT HASNT BEEN STUDIED ENOUGH. Facts.. Either way, you need a neurologist and neuro-opthamlologist.

/r/visualsnow Thread