Some thoughts about democracy, political parties and a theory.

Hello! this is my first post, just suscribed here and thought this would be a good place to write this. If this is not the most ideal subreddit to post this I'm really sorry. If yes, then I would really like to hear some opinions and feedback about the ideas and personal reflections that I'll be sharing here. These ideas form a sort of theory of mine, wich I share with you really humildly, not because I think of it as a definitive path to follow or believe of me as an enlightened mesias or anything, on the contrary, I just think it might be an interesting political reflection/discussion and I would like to hear what intelligent people like you would have to say about it.

In advance, I might fall sometimes in ortographic or gramatical errors. English isn't my default lenguage. I apologize for that. All that I'll write starting at the end of this sentence will be my own thoughts and ideas.

The world today is divided in two main categories of countries, the ones with an electoral system, democracy, "freedom", etc., And the ones ruled by some form if dictatorial government. I will be focusing on the first group because that's the one I was born in.

The concept of democracy is a really interesting one. The etymology of the word defines it crearly: demos = the people / kratia = power/rule. So democracy literally means the people hold the power. The people rule. What a powerful concept. So, my question is, do we really have a democracy in my (our your) country? Are there more democratic countries than others? How do you measure democracy? Well, the evident answers for me is that you can measure how democratic a country is, in relation to how much power it's people has. My feels towards the first two questions are that we do not really live in a democracy. At most we have a fractured system that does not truly enpowers people. It enpowers the very people who are in control of that power, and with the new added concept of globalization, the problem from my point of view, now is a wordly one. Our representatives gather together to discuss the world direction, and those representatives are not representing anyone else but themselves, and their own interests. "The people" is being left aside from their discussions. So, my first conclusion is that democracy, today, is a lie. It makes me think about all the people that allows their government do what they want with their lives, justified under the idea that we live in democracy. "At least I can vote". For me, those people, are the ones helding the world back right now. The first thing that I believe a lot of people still needs to understand is that they are actually not living in a democracy, but in a bad copy of a misinterpretation of one.

Before I continue I would like to make some reflections about how the representative politic figure was created in the first place. People realized that it was impossible to form assemblies and gatherings to decide the political system they wanted for their country/empire or whatever. It was an appropiate conclusion: It would require ridiculous efforts of time let aside huge physical locations. So they decided to create what we understand today as political representatives. They would do the full time job of discussing and come to agreements and conclusions, and we would transfer our own decision-making power to them.

The way I see it's that we, the people, have the oportunity to create, maybe for the first time in history a proper democracy. Where people rule.

How? Well, i think we already solved the main issue why the political figure was created in the first place: Now we DO have the space (virtual, not physical) and time to gather and discuss topics that we find relevant. And even more, now we can do it at a planetary level.

So, how do we proceed?. Well in past times, when people felt that they needed to take power back from their rulers, they took some weapons and went to confront them. Today that's crearly not an options. Our morals have changed, and even if we decided to do so, we simply do not have the military equality our ancestors had with their rulers. No, we must participate in their "democratic" process.

Well, so, what do we do? We create a political party. How does a political party works? Well, mainly, it's about getting together, agreeing on ideas, trying to convince more people that these ideas are better than the ones of the other parties, create/found the party in the country(ies), position representatives of the party for elections, and hope that people will vote for them. All of the political parties nowadays will come to you saying: "Ok, we have been making a lot of thinking and we are SURE our conclusions are the best ones for the entire country". But what I'm thinking is quite the opposite. We must create a political party with another approach: "Ok, we do not know what is the best desicion yet in terms of any given topic (education/economics/health/ a long etc.) BUT, we believe that if we start a global discussion, an ongoing (hopefully eternal) discussion on these subjects, we can come up with a view of the subject that truly represents the people's will. These discussion are open for anyone to participate as long as they want to, everybody is welcome, experts on the matter or not." A big ass internet forum wich, over time, will come up with some sort of carta magna/manifesto of the world political party. As if were an open source software where everyone could read the source, suggest modifications, improve it. A lot of work and time would be required of course, and I think even a good marketing online campaign would favour it. The good thing in that area is that creative and artistic people would truly understand the good will of a project like this, and would be willing collaborate in it, in my opinion. In terms of how a forum of this magnitude could work, well, actually i really like the upvote/downvote system of Reddit. But that's just how far I can see in that aspect due to lack of technical knowledge (I would love to engage in a discussion on that sole aspect though). Of course it would require the most secure, encrypted, safe server in the world. Identification and/or identity validation may or may not be required (Again, would be an interesting topic to discuss).

But how do we take all the online discussion to the real world? We must found the political party in our contries. In mine, for example, a number of signatures and an a lot of money is required. Probably a physical location too. Well, if the world political party project it's getting attention and interest, we can crowdfund it. It makes sense as the objective is to form an open wordly collective forum for people to discuss and make agreements, that it is funded collectibly.

Ok, so we have our political party, it generates conclusions after some time of discussions, and it comes up with a political view/system (that transforms over time, when new ideas come up and they get popular, the view of our party gets updated, and it's manifesto or carta magna gets updated as well). Now comes the time to elect a representative of our political party and put him/her to compete with the classic politicals of the other parties. He would have to clarify that he represents the point of view of an opensource worldwide crowdfunded internet based political party, and that he will implement and follow the guidelines of the agreements made in that place, where anyone is welcome to give their opinions and suggestions. The political plan for that given country is available online for the whole world to read and he has nothing to hide. His personal views don't matter and he has no obligation with any corporation or powerful friends, he's just a person that was chosen by their community to go and stand for the view of the majority. Then, we the people, take back the power of directing our countries. And if the old non-democratic and primitive governments get mad, and want to get belic with us, well... we have nothing to hide! they do!. it would be hard for them to try to damage the image of a political party whose objective is to unify the world openly for all and in peaceful ways.

Well, again, it's hard for me to translate all this as the time I write it, and reading it, I got the impression sometimes that the tone of the things I was trying to say was not the one I wanted to transmit, sorry for that.

I will be waiting if anyone has any comment on my theory. I'm not convinced that this theory would work, not event that is all that interesting to analize, but it's the best I can come up with at the moment. :)

If you read through all that, thanks!

edit: grammar and ortography.

/r/PoliticalPhilosophy Thread