Somebody post this in r/worldnews as I'm banned for having stated facts. These western leftists need some truth serum about countries not from the west.

Let's be clear: Reddit's majority of users are from Western Countries USA 48%, UK 8%, Canada 7.5%, Australia 4%, and Germany 3.5%.

Just like Indians are the majority of users on FB, IG, TW etc.

So, to build an Indian narrative is very, very hard and that's why reddit is filled with only negative stuff, racism towards us. And why blame others even 2 dedicated big sub is from India too to spread BS [randia: 1 million, librandu: 24k & Pakistan: 160k]

Then with how many we can fight and counter unless we have a large user base like we have on other social platforms. This sub and some other small subs like indiadiscuusion, sham sharma are only countering the negative stuff but it's still minuscule to build a positive narrative.

I think it's better we stop giving attention to what these racists share or think no matter what India do they will hate, kind of civilizational hate like what they show to china.

If anyone has a plan, say...

/r/indianews Thread Link -