Sometimes_Lies explains why people think it's cheaper to eat fast food than eat healthy at home.

A lot of folks are missing the point, and just circle jerking reasons to add on to why it's harder for people to eat healthy and cook at home.

The most common that i'm seeing is, "most poor people work long hours/it's too labor intensive to cook"

Just saying, as someone who takes their fitness and health pretty seriously, I'm also busy. I'm still able to buy all top of the line healthy food, and make a days worth of meals in under 20 minutes...which is less than it would take me to get in my car and get some fast food, and drive back. But i'll admit, it's probably not cheaper, but thats just because I buy pretty much everything organic. Non-organic though, you could make an argument could be AS cheap. People joke it costs $1 to go get fast food, last time my friends went to chipotle I remeber them spending about $15 each between the burrito, chips, and drink. You could easily go down to a grocery store and buy a 5 pound bag of frozen vegetables, a sack of uncooked rice, and some on sale chicken breast for $20, and that will make 4 square meals for 4 days.

But back to the point. How is cooking "labor intensive" or "take time the poor don't have" or even "the materials the poor may not have" like the top comment is stating?

You can buy a cheap ass George foreman grill for the chicken, microwaveable rice, and thaw the vegetables in the sink. Put it in tuppaware. Done. 15 mins. No special tools. Stop the dumb ass complaints.

The ONLY reason "poor" people don't do this is because of successful fast food marketing, and actively picking "tastier" fast food over healthy food. Don't make this a poor/rich thing. I just people who are uneducated about food, or don't give a shit that don't eat right, and make excuses that have no basis.

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