Southside vs Lex Luger.... Southside yelling as always

I thought this at first then I realized Lex ain’t sayin shit but “why you always gotta yell” which generally comes from people who don’t have shit to say. From the context of this video alone, it seems like Lex was talkin shit about Pyrex and Soutshide decided to stand by him. We all know that Southside wouldn’t be what he is without Lex, but what tf does that mean now? Southside goes on to say that Lex had his chance to be a CEO in 808 but decided to ride for himself. Now people who aren’t really into the music like that will never know who Lex is while Southside has been a part some of the biggest hits of the last decade. Again, I understand Lex’s influence on not only Southside, but the genre as a whole, yet it I understand why Southside is upset. Fuck all that hoe talk. If you’re gonna talk all that shit then get to being like “why are you so loud every time we talk” it’s because you got my name in your mouth on some salty shit and you’re disrespecting the homie at the same time? Like what the fuck?

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