A special thanks to the Keto Australia community.

The number one takeaway has to be CONSISTENCY!! I took the keto diet as any other diet at the start, I cheated sometimes and got nowhere. This is not a diet, this is a LIFESTYLE.

Following from point one, don’t take the keto style as a “fad diet” you will never succeed. This is a life style!

Don’t stress over your macros too much. I use to think not enough fat/protein etc would be bad, if isn’t, as long as your carbs are under 20g (different for everyone) you will succeed.

Another big one: change up your food!!! At the start I was just eating the same things because it was the “perfect macros” and it lead to me cheating a lot. Always look to expand what you eat, which is why the wiki and the weekly sales posts are so good!

I hope I helped :)

/r/ketoaustralia Thread Parent