ARFID sure is an experience huh

Totatatlly the opposite of my Xmas... Aunt just married an Italian and we're German/Swede whatever heritage generates green bean casserole and potato sausage as sacred xmas tradition.

I have six top teeth in the front, grandma the denture-wearer immediately beat me in an informal contest of who could eat the most variety by grabbing a raw piece of cauliflower. Her lactose intolerance and diabetes wasn't part of the contest, I might have gotten a win by swallowing a nut-filled cookie, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

Anyway, first serving was just an exploration of what I could eat... the only thing wrong was that the squid fought back too hard, and they seemed to treat it as a "even with teeth" issue. No, it got stuck and luckily it was below where it impeded my breathing.

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