Staff Applications

[10:43:24 PM] BathedIsMyDad/TeamResistance: pplying on servers for Staff be like [10:43:25 PM] BathedIsMyDad/TeamResistance: IGN (Include all old IGNs): I've only had 2 Ign's One is FistOfHope and the Other is BathedIsMyDad NameMc link Below.

Age: I'm Currently 13 years Old My birthday is Oct, 17 My Birthday is in a couple of months and I am very mature for my age And I can be Immature and have fun at times aswell.

Time zone: I live in the Central Time Zone but That Doesn't really matter I stay Online a lot So I'm almost always Online when help is needed from a player. I don't ignore players at all when the need help.

Fluent Languages Spoken: I speak English ( I'm American )

Skype: (optional) I will Pm a Skype In game when asked too I don't give out my Skype out to people I don't know that well.

Teamspeak: yes I have TeamSpeak I was staff On various other Servers before.

Why I should be chosen as a staff member: I'm a very active player when it comes to being staff or just playing normally, I have always enjoyed helping people in chat and Correcting someone if they have problems in game. As I said Before I just really enjoy helping people out. I was staff On VeltPvp before and I really enjoyed that experience but I resigned from VeltPvp and I will Discuss that below.

Have you had any past experience?: yes I was staff on VeltPvp, PulsePvp And Other Small servers. my First time being staff was easy because it was a very small server with 15+ players a day, After Awhile I worked myself up to Co-Owner but Got Demoted because The Main Owner was Taking a lot of stuff While I was afk and Sleep. I hate when staff members get salty and Get mad Etc. I have learned not to go afk While being staff after that. On VeltPvp I did a good job Helping players and banning hackers. I probably banned around 200+ I became Mod+ before all of the other mods and the staff members had become to like me. On Pulsehcf Epicay was being salty and Demoted me First day of me ever being staff on an hcf Server He said I was being Immature when I was talking in chat he said " We don't wont Players to know we're online. Then Epicay said " Ok your being demoted go out of staff mode. " So that was the end of PulsePvp for me.

When did you join HCFHQ?: Awhile back but became Inactive and I pretty Much stopped Playing minecraft for a bit and played csgo for about 2 weeks. So I just came back A couple days Ago.

Are you staff member on any other servers?: No, Not as of right now. I use to say you can only be dedicated to one server to the helpers that wanted to be staff on para and other servers.

Why do you want to become staff?: As I have said About 6 times before I love helping people out and I'm always watching Players to make sure they don't hack. I find people that haven't set off alerts before they try anything fishy and I stop them from phasing. You can ask a lot of the people on VeltPvp or on hcfhq ( some people from velt play on here )And The staff Of Velt Can Vouch for me. Also I can Correct Players that are breaking the rules so they don't get in any trouble and get banned/Muted. I know some of the commands on hcf servers and how to use them so if someone needs to be revived or Anything like that I will help. I will Enforce the Rules Though With /warn or /tempban I Do not Like Rule breakers That Abuse breaking rules and getting away with it.

About me: I'm a jokester/troll at times, I enjoy helping people ( I have said this too many time. ) I put Dedication into the servers I work for and I will be there when needed. I also Know how to Ss people and Find clients and Ghost Clients.

/r/HCFHQ Thread