[Steam] Early Access - H-Hour: World's Elite **FREE WEEKEND** & **15% OFF** ($12.74/15% off)

H-Hour World's Elite is a spirtiual successor to SOCOM created by SOFStudios. (SOCOM was created by Zipper Interactive which no longer exist) The game is a third person shooter that combines arcade/sim style gameplay. The game allows all kinds of style of play. Camping, sniping, run and gunning, being stealth, etc.Teamwork is a must but not always required. The game is round based. 11 rounds. In team death match, if both teams have won 5 rounds they'd need a 6th round to win.

Currently has: 3 maps - Factory (Released weeks ago) - Sismis - Wolfrun

4 game modes - Demolition: Bomb is located somewhere in the middle of the map. Team who grabs the bomb plants. Other team diffuses. - Elimination: If there is 1 player alive on one side and 5 players on the other, the team with the most players alive wins the round when the timer reaches 0. It's either kill all or have more players alive to win the round. - Sabotage: One team has the bomb and has a choice to plant the bomb in two locations. Other team has to stop the bomb from being planted or has to diffuse once planted. - Team Deathmatch: Team who has the most rounds won out of 11 wins. Whoever wins the 6th round wins the game. If there are a bunch of ties and it's past the 11th round, the team who wins the next round wins the game.

Note: The game is pretty incomplete but seeing how often the team has been updating the game (pretty much every week) and also giving news every week shows a somewhat promising future. It's early access. Give the game a try and see if you like the style of gameplay and would like to see it improve. Early Access is to help the developers fund the game while they continue developing the game and give them feedback/suggestions to improve the game. Present is lack but future looks somewhat promising. It's free weekend and 15% off so it doesn't hurt to try.

/r/GameDeals Thread Link - store.steampowered.com