This is still happening in Iran. Some Western women should be UTTERLY ASHAMED of their ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE. A hijab is in NO WAY a symbol of freedom or choice. The VAST MAJORITY of women on earth who wear hijabs do so because it's compulsory to nation or family, and not doing so is SEVERELY punished.

Honestly, I expect to be downvoted by some here who claim to be fully redpilled, yet are complete cucks when it comes to what degenerate losers our women have become, but I fully support deporting feminists to Africa and the middle east, and in their stead importing proper refugees, young fertile fit women from South America Asia and Eastern Europe, who would chew off their own arms to have a fraction of what our loser women have thrown away. Fuck em at this point. For all the shit blacks, muslims, Hispanics, and the tribe get in here, there's very little talk about the absolute carnage our women have caused in the last 3 generations. Wake up men, the enemies aren't just in our backyards, they're in our houses.

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