Stop Trusting Viral Videos

Another aggressive comment where you're the asshole who lies, accuses me of lying, and moves goalposts : first article, where his interview with the Associated Press Saturday, he says "they chanted build that wall, go back to the reservation". Not found on any video, and by Sunday evening, and definitely Monday interviews, he's stopped repeating he heard those things.

Phillips, an activist described by the Indian Country Today website as an Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran, said in an interview with The Associated Press that he was trying to keep peace between the high school students and the religious group.

He said he heard people chanting "Build that wall" or yelling, "Go back to the reservation." At one point, he said, he sought to ascend to the Lincoln statue and "pray for our country." Some backed off, but one student wouldn't let him move, he added.

How many Google searches and copy pastes do you need or are you going to cling to your recreational outrage more?

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