I suck at support and it's holding me back

I mostly play Zyra (for disengage and burst) and Lulu (against 2+ assassins or heavy divers, such as renek). Sometimes Alistar (when we REALLY need a tank). These two Thresh games were a mistake. I think i should stick with simpler champions. Any recommendations on this front? I rather keep it simple and clean. So no Braum, Thresh, Nami or difficult champions here please.

I think i SUCK in lane. I think i might be over aggressive. I usually get good wards and don't die a lot to ganks though. My deaths are usually from aggresive trading (more common), or being caught deep warding(very uncommon, but happens). Lane scores range from 0/3/0 to 0/2/5.

Braum is easier than you think, and he's more of a disengage champ so it'll force you to be a bit more passive. Also, consider someone like Janna, another disengage champ. She has decent poke early, but it forces you to trade when your ADC wants to trade, so you won't be creating fights when they're not ready. Its simple, just shield your ADC when they go in to poke so she gets some bonus AD.

Should popping my spellthief passive be a priority or just a happy bonus? Should i play passive if i'm in a outscaling matchup? (Me as Graves/Zyra vs Leona/Vayne) I usually am happy trading 2 pots for 1 ADC pot. Basically keep chunking him. Is this not healthy?

Yes, you should be trying to take advantage of this, otherwise you should just get a coin. That goes for the relic shield as well. If your not making gold with your income item, your just going to get further and further behind. That being said, know your limits, making 5-10 gold isn't worth you getting hooked for a kill.

For Zyra: 1) Can i ult 3+ people? Burst and CC (2 seeds Q + ult) 2) Is anyone diving my ADC? Use E 3) Can i root anyone trying to leave? Use E or spellthief 4) Do i have any plants up? 5) Keep AA/Q'ing

This is pretty good, I would just say focus less on #3. If they're too weak to fight, focus more on the guys that are still there. Tunneling too hard on someone that is fleeing is going to take your attention off your team and carries that are getting dove.

As Lulu: 1) If i ult someone can i get a 3+ men knockup? 2) Is my ADC, or whoever has the most attack speed, shielded? For pix passive 3) Is anyone jumping my backline? W before Ult 4) Can i slow anyone leaving the fight or someone who is diving?

Use your ult to save someone that is getting focused, since they are usually one of your carries. If they're taking the brunt of the damage, it means he's giving the enemy team that much of a hard time. The longer you keep that guy alive, the better for your team.

As alistar i basically just hog the ADC and Q and W whoever gets close. I think i could do more, but as a tank support, this seems enough.

You have a great engage combo with Alistar, if you ever see the opening where your team can follow up, take it. Once you get off that initial cc, start focusing on peeling for your carries.

Another thing i suck at is clearing wards. My sweeps are almost always misses. How can i better track enemy ward positioning? This is a problem with my jungle as well. I also think i don't buy enough pinks. Should i just treat them as a ward remover, or if i get a good deep pink i should just let it stay there (like brush between red/golems, you know the one)?

Keep in mind that it is always good to clear wards, but its better to know that certain places are not warded. Sweeping dragon pit, before taking objective, and not finding a ward is a lot better than sweeping the brush nearby and finding one and missing the one in drag pit. As a jungler/support, you should try to have a pink out at all times. Don't replace the pink on the map unless its killed or you find a chance to place it in a more optimal spot, like a deeper ward or need one because your attempting baron and don't have a sweeper.

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