Sulbutiamine mess.. experiencing heavy problems.. advices are welcome

Wow, why is the only serious help all the way at the bottom? This is a fantastic analysis. I also strongly suspected a dopamine regulation problem after reading it.

Seriously, to all you geniuses telling him to stop 'freaking out,' disorientation and appetite suppression are clear signs of a real dopamine imbalance, not self-induced anxiety. Given that Sulbutiamine is known to reduce dopamine release as well as to modulation the transmission thereof, all it takes is a little first-grade-level connect-the-dots to realize that the OP is far more likely to be suffering from a real, residual issue with dopamine regulation rather than self-inflicted neurosis.

As for advice, I second cuppercakez. Try to let your body fix the problem first, as it most likely will. Get off all substances for a week and make sure you're getting vitamins, eating enough (remember to eat!!), and sleeping the right amount.

If things have not improved at all in a week or so, let us know. As others have suggested, a doctor is going to be the right option if your body doesn't manage to fix this soon.

I would also recommend taking the supplements Dopa Mucuna, L-Tyrosine, and Lithium Orotate. These three really helped me recover from a nootropic-induced dopamine imbalance that sent me into severe depression.

Finally, I'd strongly recommend getting as much exercise as you can while you take your break from substances. Take a walk, hike, bike ride, etc. I'm not a big fan of exercise, but it was a major part of how I made it out of my own situation.

Sorry to hear that this happened to you -- I know how awful it can be to have your neurochemistry beaten out of whack by a bad noot experience. Just know that you will get through this one way or another (even if it means a doctor visit). The odds that you did any lasting damage are overwhelmingly tiny. You'll pull through and there are at least a few people here who are here to offer advice and consolation in the mean time! Try to stay positive :)

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