Synopsis for 04-08-2021 what we need to know before the market opens DD

For those of you who don't know the lore. The action figure on the right is Vladius. Also known as "The Bulgarian Bomber". Famously known throughout the tendieverse as a villanous character who blew up the buy-ometer on the USS Robyohood Starship. This left millions of apes stuck stranded in space, as the sabataoge rippled to many other starships linked in the network like the USS WeBallz and USS TD Ameriturd.

Despite this, The Bulgarian Bomber is seen as an anti-hero because buy destroying the buy-ometer and causing a system wide failure, upon reboot, the ships AI optimized a new hyperspeed protocol, B.A.D. (Buy All Dips).

This improvement on the previous system gave the apes an opportunity to reach galaxies beyond their wild dreams.

He still a bitch tho.

/r/GME Thread