What I expect the Game Stop report to look like

It’s very obvious to me that the SEC can’t say this in their report:

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delayed report. We have been busy making up new rules to address the lack of basic functionality in our free market. As it stands, retail investors have been getting shit on via dark pools and short ladder attacks for the better part of the past 9 months because over-leveraged SHFs have been illegally naked short selling $GME shares in an attempt to bankrupt and delist the company. There are billions of fake shares in circulation. We had to move these same SFH’s dead positions to a secret “expert-only” exchange just in case retail decided to pile on to these positions. They have been slowly rising from the dead. Just in time for Halloween! It’s also readily apparent to us that collusion from a number of brokers in the United States worked together to shut retail investors out of buying shares of GameStop. This is the most blatant example of market manipulation in the history of our stock market. We are shutting down each broker and arresting all responsible parties. Given continued retail buy interest in $GME over the last year, it is extremely likely that Gamestop becomes the biggest and most valued company in the world. Everyone should sell all their holdings and go buy more GME shares. Inflation is not really transitory. Rock on RC. Long live blockchain. XRP is not a security.

Love, GG.

P.S. - Power to the players.

/r/GME Thread Link - i.redd.it