r/GME Megathread for Friday - August 20, 2021

Yea, I figured the smooth brainers would downvote me, but if you think about what I say it makes perfect sense. If the financial elites can blame the market crash on an election overturn it would take the eyes and the pressure off of them.

If the election did get overturned the turmoil would be world absolutely catastrophic. It would inspire a market crash so huge it may be enough to change the world reserve currency from the dollar to the yen, yea it could happen. People would be so caught up in it, the SHFs would have a chance to hide or conceal their criminal activities, yea, those are my thoughts.

Is there ANY other possible excuse for a market crash that would not jeopardize the big banks, SEC, SHFs, and the lot of them? How about all of those who gave me downvotes answer THAT question?

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