Yo! Look what arrived in the UK!

Having some fun with the titles and illustrations here.

  1. Teddy and the Piggy Banks = regular people shaking out their piggy banks to buy
  2. Teddy says Words Can Never Hurt You = despite all the FUD, regular people aren’t listening
  3. Teddy goes to Work = regular people continue to go to work with bears on their knees (see bears on knee caps) 4.Teddy goes to China = regular people celebrate and they upgrade from pizza to dragon noodles for dinner. Bears and snakes on sidelines watching. Is that a LEGO I see? Dino on shirt symbol of time past
  4. Teddy and the People Who Make The World Go around = highlights regular people in essential professions, those are the folks making the world go round. All hugging Daddy Cohen and eating ice cream and burgers to celebrate. Not sure what they are celebrating. Thunderbolts, stars, hearts, safety cones, all good signs.
/r/GME Thread Link - i.redd.it