Do Synths' dream of electronic Brahmin? Or, are Synths people?

The point isn't irrationality, the point is that only synths can be reprogrammed. It takes plenty of effort, time, and resources to brainwash humans and there still remains the capacity for independence even after indoctrination. With synths, it's a matter of loading the right kind of programming. Want a loyal worker? Bam, load the right routine. A sex slave? Bam. Scavenger? No problem. Unflinchingly loyal soldier ready to lay their life on the line? Here's the disk. You can't reprogram human beings like you can reprogram synths. For that matter, human beings can't be mind-wiped with a phrase that resets them to factory settings.

And this means they're non-sentient how? Memory wipes do not make them non-sentient in the same way amnesia does not make us non-sentient.

Being sentient does not mean one is human

Good thing we aren't debating whether things are human.

The point of the passage is that they can remotely modify the programming and set synths loose.

I don't see anything there remotely suggesting they can remotely modify synths, if they could do that then I also don't see why they need you to meet with McDonough in-person. That's a massive assumption on your part.

I'll refer you back to the point about synth being easily reprogrammable, while humans are not. And no, free will isn't a binary setting. What do you base your claim that it is on?

Yes, free will is a binary setting. You either have free will or you don't. Think a little: how can there possibly be an in-between that isn't inherently self-contradictory? How can free will not being binary even make any ounce of sense at all? It doesn't make sense as anything other than a binary setting. Much like how you either exist, or you do not, because an in-between there is also inherently contradictory.

Except ghouls are humans and contribute to wasteland society, whereas the bulk of synths serve a morally corrupt, twisted coterie of mad scientists that see the wasteland as their personal playground.

Them being subservient is exactly the point. They will serve any master with no compunctions.

Do they? That is a massive generalisation. Any master? No compunctions? If that was true, there would not be synths fearing mind-wipes let alone any escapees at all. And to say they can never contribute to wasteland society? They have so much to contribute if they are simply given the opportunity.

What makes your proposal of destroying the sole means of procreation for synths and rendering them an endangered "species" (as much as robots can be a species) any different than outright destruction? In the long run, there's no difference.

It's different form outright destruction because it is not condemning them. It gives them a chance. In the short term, there is a lot of difference between firing at anything that might become a threat and anything that is a threat. Destroying the sole means of procreation for them is more ethical because they are created to be slaves, and yet display very sentient characteristics.

How does that mean they should be afforded any rights? I suspect the only reason you're so adamant about this is because they look human. Would you argue the same about malfunctioning Mr Gutsies? Mr Handies? Sentry bots? Eyebots?

Gutsies/Handies and Sentry Bots? Yes, I would. Curie, Codsworth, and Ironsides all do something no mere robots do, and that's express desires and disdains. There is no reason to program a military robot with desires because it's not going for chitchats with its opponents. There is no reason a robot would nearly go mad and wander off into the wastes of its own volition instead of wait if it was merely programmed to be a butler of sorts. There is no reason a robot would want to be human and seek 'human inspiration'. Eyebots like ED-E on the other hand, have a more dog-like level of sentience, if not more.

And really, how can you be certain that they are genuine struggles and feelings and not simple malfunctions of their programming. X6-88 certainly doesn't seem to experience any doubts about his purpose or place in the power structure. Is he sentient? Or not? Because by your definition outlined above, he's a drone, not a "human."

X6 is a Courser. Coursers are specifically picked to become the way they are. And I never said merely the ability to doubt was the only thing that made him sentient, so don't put words in my mouth. I said sentience was the capability to feel and perceive. X6 expresses admiration for the player multiple times. Admiration is a feeling, and Coursers aren't supposed to express them - they're supposed to wooden, reflected in their monotone voice.

When you're a machine created for a singular purpose, anything that falls outside your purpose is malfunction by definition.

You are a bunch of cells, the product of several billion years of evolution, and your sole purpose in the grand scheme of things is to spread your genetic code, your DNA. Nothing else. You are an organic machine evolved for a singular purpose, anything that goes against that is also a malfunction. Given how often our own emotions get in the way of that, it could also be said that our own struggles and feelings are malfunctions of our genetic code - if we did not struggle, did not feel and instead just sought to pass on our genetic code and reproduce like many micro-organisms, I have no doubt we would do so much more efficiently.

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