The Teacher Who Drew Microsoft Word

Unfortunately no, you memorize it for the exam and you forget it all, it’s just a drawing on a paper and you write which button does what which you forget again.

Because you don’t have a computer at school, at home, no where.

Years later I finally sat in front of a computer and tbh it’s not rocket science to use one, it’s designed to be user friendly for general public.

So if there is no chance of using actual computers this way of learning is just a waste of time.

Would you draw mobile phone screens and memorize which app does what and not see or touch a real one for years? You are not going to learn how to use a phone that way, but I’ll give you a phone and you’ll figure it out less than an hour.

I don’t know if I could explain to you but this really is useless, I’m happy they got actual computers in the end.

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