Teenage boy looking to get back into reading

If you are having trouble getting back into reading after a long hiatus, try picking up a book that you loved as a child. Something from your pre-Harry Potter days, like Bunnicula or Peter Pan. It'll be easier to read, and get you back into the flow of reading.

From there, I would recommend wandering through the Young Adults section of your local bookstore or library, and seeing what catches your eye. It could be that your interests have changed, so the stuff you used to like isn't what you need right now. Perhaps you would enjoy science fiction more these days, or a chance to read the classics without a lesson plan and looming test.

For the longest time, I was very into murder mysteries, medical thrillers, and things of that sort. Then I stopped reading for a long time. Now that I am reading all of the time again, I find myself avoiding those genres.

It never hurts to branch out!

/r/suggestmeabook Thread