Tenants of Lincoln Park Flats are being forced out so property owners can convert an entire floor into a "Boutique Hotel"

From/lived in Bay Area/Honolulu/Marin/Three Rivers/Flag/Seward/SLC/Moab/Grand Marais... I just want to basically not be homeless anymore.

This isn't an adventure town, I have 10 years working in the outdoor industry on so many levels and it's just not here. I have a small business related to adventure sports and I don't even want a storefront here because I don't expect regular customers. I'd love regular enjoyable employment doing any of the jobs I had before in the outdoor industry, I'd even step up in responsibility but the last time I saw Hartley's Executive Director position flown, they were offering 32k salary...

This is a boutique outdoorsy town, ala Colorado, where there's no room for the folks who create the culture anymore. The folks that would be driving the outdoor parts are having to leave or being confined to ridiculous resources trying to get things going, and the established folks have been here long enough that they either own their turf, sold and made $, or have been compromising and downsizing to meet the bottom line.

We're getting a freaking indoor glamping business!!! That transcends Rocky Mountain Bousche!

I moved here from Moab at a time when my friends were facing homelessness and I'm basically homeless here while they have brand new houses now... That's hilarious. I could make 3x as much as them and I still wouldn't have a shot at a 100 year old house here...

Hope you got in while it was good, I wish I got out.

/r/duluth Thread Parent Link - dio.com