Terrified of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Bosses

Appreciate the response, but I never really said that a boss being beatable exempts it from being poorly designed. You can beat a boss like bed of chaos or ancient dragon, but I'd personally argue that they are not well made fights at all as well.

Like you said, that's a very subjective ( and completely valid) opinion. But I wouldn't really call it a "flaw" in design, it's just a different design decision. I get that people may prefer the DS3 type boss design, but that doesn't really mean that this type of boss design is inherently flawed and in need of fixing. Maybe they could add in some more "souls" type bosses like mohg to appease people who preferred the old style I guess.

Side note : I personally found the positional attacks to be very interesting, seeing how a boss reacts differently when I'm in front or behind, if I roll away or roll in was very refreshing to me . It was kind of present in DS3 on a tiny scale in some fights like pontiff or gael, and even more so in sekiro with how father owl reacts to where you are standing relative to him, so I appreciated how they took it even further and made it a core design decision in elden ring.

To be honest, I just really dislike the current way of discussion that I'm seeing online. No openings, infinite combos, built around spirit ashes and enormous DPS( I know its an exaggeration), and the such aren't really proper criticisms in my eyes and dont really lead to any meaningful discussions. A not insignificant amount of people I've spoken with believe in unfair systems that genuinely don't even exist in the game, like variable delays that change based on if you attack or roll, and input reading combo extensions. I know you never said any of this, but I felt like it needed to be said since it's a bit irritating to see this far into the games life cycle.

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