TES 6 Speculation Megathread

Found the Thalmor symphatizer, jokes aside, men doesn't suck, infact they were the ones being oppressed since the beginning of recorded time, the Nedes, natives of Tamriel were enslaved for centuries by the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids, elves how came from Aldmeris, the Bretons are the living proof of how long the elves actually enslaved man, created in an effort by their Aldmer masters to create a new race using their "superior" blood, but eventually the elves got what was coming for them, when the Nords first settled on Tamriel from Atmora, they founded the city of Saarthal, the Nords were quite the peaceful people and mostly kept to themselfs but the Falmer also known as Snowelves didn't quite like that the number of Nords was getting bigger and bigger so they killed everyone in Saarthal, everyone exept for Ysgramor and his two sons, well they went back to Atmora and later returned to Tamriel whit an army know as the Five Hundred Companions, which forced the Snowelves to seek asylum underground whit the treacherous Dwemer which tricked them and transformed them into the twisted creatures they are now, but the Nedes back in Cyrodill weren't doing so good, until the Alessian slave rebellion in which the Nedes whit the help from the Nords and Akatosh himself overthrew the Ayleid slave masters and founded the Alessian Empire and the covenant which litterally protected the world from any sort of Daedric invasion, and unlike the Ayleids the Alessian didn't allow the ownership of slaves, not even Ayleid slaves. Now lets talk about Talos, it seem you belive Talos only exist because man belive in him, thats no actually true, Talos is a divine and exists whether or not anyone even worships, the true reason the Thalmor wants to ban his worship is mainly because of two reasons, the first is that Talos when mortal used to be a human which the Thalmor belive are scum and should be enslaved, second he is the reincarnation of Lorkhan the god wich created mundos and who the Thalmor selfishly belive trapped the Ehlnofey, which is the ancestor to BOTH man and mer in it while it was being created and the Thalmor's master plan is to undo mundos so they can supposedly became immortal again, and while they do that the short-term plan is to either kill off the races of man or enslaved them, and yet you support them, you claim that the races of man started all this, did they? Tiber and his empire litterally brought peace to all of Tamriel, generations later the last member of his dysnaty Martin Septim litterally sacrificed himself to save Nirn from the Daedra, and what does the Thalmor do? They try to destroy the very same empire wich protected Nirn for thousands of years just so they can try to become gods? The last time someone attempted something as foolish as that an entire race of people disappeared.

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